sibel kekilli biography

June 15, 2009 at 4:08 pm | Posted in Sibel Kekilli | Leave a comment
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Sibel Kekilli was born June 16, 1980 in Heilbronn, Germany. She is the first actress of Turkish origin who won the Golden Orange Award for Best Actress in 2006. Besides to her mainstream fame she acted in adult movies. Here I am going to tell you some cool facts about her


Sibel Kekilli (born June 16, 1980 in Heilbronn, Germany) is an award-winning actress and a former pornstar of jewish and armenian origin.
SIBEL KEKILLI is a German born Turkish Descend. One day while at a Cologne shopping mall, she was noticed by a casting director who called her up for an audition for a role in a movie. Sibel won the leading role for Fatih Akın’s planned movie against a field of 350 other hopefuls.

7. sibel kekilli upcomming movie is “Pihalla” which may be out at the end of 2009.
8. In Turkey her fans like her acting in stupid movies.
9. Her popularity becomes more than evident from the fact that she has most famous and
favorite actress in Turkey.
10. The female actress from Turkey will always be remembered for the chartbusters that she has given.

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